Marco Mendeni


Solo Exhibitions

Hype, curated By Matteo Bittanti, AmyD Gallery, Milano, Italy
“My Time Machine Is Burning. (Is There A Life After Capitalism?)”, curated by Elena Giulia Abbiaticci, Label 201, Roma, Italy

Digital Concrete, bank AZIMUT, curated by Arianna Grava, Via Filippo Turati 10, Brescia, Italy

NO NAME [that’s the way the cookie crumbles], curated by Roberto Borghi, Theca Gallery, Milano, Italy

Deceptive Perceptions |  Museo Civico, Campione d’Italia, curator Matteo Bittanti, Switzerland
EXTRA/ORDINARY WORLD | SpazioBarnum, curated by Federica Patti, Bologna, Italy

Artificialia | Un mondo dis-simulato, Camera di Commercio dell’Uruguay Saronno, Theca Gallery, curator Luca Avanzini, Italy
I’m not playing | (For hacked videogame and real-time sampler), [.BOX] Video Art Space, curator Alessandra Arnò, Milan, Italy
Kenell Game |  Curated by Andrea Carlo Alpini,Theca Gallery, Lugano, Switzerland

Group Exhibitions

DIGRA 2017, IULM space, curated by Matteo Bittanti, Milano, Italy
Reale è virtuale, Spaghettiparty, a cura di Chiara Moro e Stefano Monti, SetUp 2017, Bologna, Italy
Art City: Cinema per l’Arte, CUBO, a cura di Federica Patti e Vanina Saracino, Bologna, Italy

Digital frame, curated by Chiara Canali, Uncommon, Milano, Italy
DIGITAL HUMANITIES, curated by Chiara Canali, BETA 80 Group, Milano, Italy
REFRESH 01 – #LAYERS, Spazio Contemporanea, Curated by Fabio Paris, Brescia, IT
GAME VIDEO/ART. A SURVEY, XX1T Triennale International Exhibition, IULM space, curated by Vincenzo Trione and Matteo Bittanti, Milan, Italy
BNL Media Art Festival, MAXXI  Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Roma, Italy
The Wrong/New Digital Art Biennale,Galerie Charlot, curated by Filippo Lorenzin and Kamilia kard, Paris, France
12th Athens Digital Arts Festival, | Historic center of Athens, Greece

0M / no place to hide, Museo Civico Monfalcone, curated by Martina Cavallerin/Stefano Monti, Monfalcone, Italy
Off Biennale Cairo, curated by Elena Giulia Abbiatici, Cairo, Egypt
AuRevoir, curated by Kevin McManus, Theca Gallery, Milano, Italy
6PM Local Time, WeMake, curated by Domenico Quaranta and Fabio Paris, Milano, Italy
The Wrong Digital Art Biennale, Curated by Filippo Lorenzin, Kamilia kard
International Contemporary art fair, Art Vilnius, curated by Diana Stomienė, Vilnius, Lithuania
Dancity Festival, curated by Carla Capodimonti, Foligno, Perugia, Italy
U.V.2 PATRICIA, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano, Italy
Live Cinema Festival, Roma, Italy

Ende Tymes IV |  NOISE AND EXPERIMENTAL LIBERATION, curated by Bob Bellerue, New York, U.S.A
Perduti nel Paesaggio |  MART Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea / curated by Giorgio Verzotti, Trento, Italy
WHY NOT? | AZIMUT Gruppo finanziario, Theca Gallery, curated by Grisca Grava, Milano, Italy
FILE |  Electronic Language International Festival, curared by Paola Perisinnotto/RicardoBaretto, San Paolo, Brasil
27th Festival Les Instants Vidéo |  r lightTweakSunlight Drone, Marseille, France
ICON | {a short retrospective on contemporary iconography concept}, Theca Gallery, curated by Andrea Carlo Alpini, Lugano,Switzerland
AUTFEST2014 |   languages of the unheard, Altes Finanzamt, Berlin, Germany
DIGITALGRAFFITI  | ArtTechnology, curated by Mike Ragsdale end Brett Phares , Alys Beach, Florida, U.S.A
NEFest |  International festival for experimental art, organized by the Bulgarian foundation NO Studio, Sofia, Bulgaria
ROBOT07 |  Digital paths into music and arts, curated by Federica Patti, Bologna, Italy
FMK Festival |  curated by Stefano Monti, Pordenone, Italy
GAMES THAT PEOPLE PLAY|   OFF BRUXELLES FAIR, curated by Matteo Bittanti, Bruxelles, Belgium
Pulsart | restart 2014 ritual, curated by Anna Zerbaro Pezzin, Shio, Italy
XXXFurifestival |  curated by Anna Zerbaro Pezzin, Pesaro, Italy
Videoart night |  curated by Carlo Sala, Ca dei ricchi, Treviso, Italy
Landshape |  Spazio Ultra, curated by Chiara Moro and Stefano Monti, Udine, Italy
Voyage en Italie  | Bergamo Arte Fiera, (a cura di Theca Gallery Lugano), Italy
Premio Fondazione Fabbri |  villa Brandolini Pieve di Soligo/ Treviso, Italy

ATHENS SLINGSHOT |  Innovative ART AND Technology, curated by Eric Mart, Athens, Georgia,U.S.A
Wander WEB TV|   Cultural Center of Novi Sad, curated by Andrej Tisma, Novi Sad, Serbia
ROBOT06 |  Digital paths into music and arts, curated by federica Patti, Bologna, Italy
FILE | Electronic Language International Festival, curator Paola Perisinnotto/RicardoBaretto, San Paolo, Brasil
MIA |  The Armory Center for the Arts, Alanna Simone, MIA curator, California, U.S.A
NEVER ODD OR EVEN |  gallery Team TITANIC, curated Team Titanic, Berlin, Germany
Playing The Game/2 |  Curated by Paolo VJ VISUALLOOP Branca, sponsored by Provincia di Milano and Camera di Commercio, Milano, Italy
NEW GAME DESIGNER | CTU_university of Milan_curated by Debora Ferrari_Milano, Italy
NOVART, Festival Digital Art, Nova Milanese, Italy
GAME ART CAMP | Curated by Debora Ferrari and Luca Traini, Monza, Italy
CARNEN | Fabbrica del vapore, curated by Care of Docva, Milano, Italy
I’m not playing, for hacked videogame and real- time sampler, Altes Finanzamt, Berlin, Germany
AA13 –Arte Accessibile MILAN, Curated by Andrea Carlo Alpini, Theca Gallery, Milano,Italy
FOV001 |  Audiovisual_Performance, Start-schuss, Berlino, Germany
GAMES WEEK MILANO_2013 | Neoludica, Game Art Gallery, Curated by Debora Ferrari, Milano, Italy

BYOB |  Milano, Museo Pecci, curated by Domenico Quaranta, Milano, Italy
PULSART |  “INSIDE ME”, curated by Anna Z.Pezzin, Shio, Italy
ROBOT | Festival 05, curated by Marcella Loconte, Bologna, Italy
Impossible Backgrounds |  audiovisual performance, Sowieso, Berlin, Germany
GAMES WEEK | MILANO, Neoludica, Game Art Gallery, Curated by Debora Ferrari, Milano, Italy
Ti Racconto |  Curated by CRAC CENTRO RICERCA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA, Cremona, Italy
WANDER WEB TV |  video art & experimental reports, Curated by Tamara Lai

Boulding |  GAMEC, Bergamo, Italy
Statment | Spazio in mostra, curated by Ivan Quaroni, Milano, Italy
I am Niko Bellic |  interactive installation, ATM project curated by Ezio Cuoghi, Milano, Italy
Game Over |  Video Installation, Tacheles, Berlin, Germany

Marco Mendeni 
(1979, Italy) is a visual artist and he moves unstably between Milan and Berlin, cities where he is living and working at the moment. Mendeni is internationally represented by Theca Gallery. He studied painting and New Art Technologies at Brera Academy (Milan). His artistic research is based mostly on apparently antinomic pairs such as virtuality and reality, presence and absence, tradition and innovation. This aspect of appearance is clear by bearing in mind that Mendeni puts into play again “traditional” values through the deconstruction and decoding of simulation. Fittingly, as Matteo Bittanti states in his critic texts on the artist, “Mendeni dismisses the imperative of the representation in order to take on new communicative prospects”. All the works realised by Mendeni develop in two fields: digital process and solid substance, precisely concrete and plaster. The digital etherial aspect characterises the machinima works, such as “I am Niko Bellic” and “FOV02”, both disturbing extracts from video games previously modified by the artist by rewriting their genome code. Among the concrete works, “SimCity” and “Google/search” are to mention. Mendeni’s works of art combine and mingle the immateriality of digital works to the substances of the supports and to the physical places that hold them. In so doing, the dichotomy digital-material that characterises his whole work becomes the basic vector of its meaningful potential. Marco Mendeni’s artwork has been internationally exposed in a number of shows, such as: Ende Tymes IV (New York U.S.A); Museo Pecci (Milan, Italy); Gamec (Bergamo, Italy); Team Titanic (Berlin, Germany); MIA The Armory Center for the Arts (California, U.S.A); FILE (San Paolo, Brazil); Cultural Center of Novi Sad (Serbia); Athens SlingShot (Georgia, U.S.A); DigitalGraffiti ArtTechnology (Florida, U.S.A); Galleria Civica (Campione d’Italia, Italy); MART (Trento, Italy); Games That People Play (Brussels, Belgium); Museo Civico di Monfalcone (Gorizia, Italy); Theca Gallery (Lugano, Switzerland + Milan, Italy).